
We have listened to your feedback and want to give you a “LOT”; your next step in exam preparation, lifelong learning and career progression.

Live Online Tutoring is a major new programme of live, bespoke and interactive online tutoring. Between February and March 2024 the Faculty will be offering LOT sessions in those specialist areas you ask us about the most. Each 1 hour session is tailored to your specific needs and delivered by experts in their respective fields of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Endodontics. You can learn on your own or with up to 3 friends. You pick the date, the time and you ask the questions in advance. We do the rest. It’s as simple as that. Details of the Teaching Faculty Tutors are provided below.

Dean CL

Professor Christopher Lynch
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI


Suited to exam candidates...

Are you sitting exams in the near future? Are you looking for opportunity to ask questions and get the answers you need when you need them?

We know what you asked us most about... Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Endodontics...

And we have the answer!

In addition to our current online intensive revision course, Live Online Tutorials are a great way to get the information you need directly from the experts who write and mark the exam papers.

Why? This unique programme allows you to interact live online with senior experts in their fields and helps you prepare for your exams and your clinical practice.

Who? If you are intending to sit the Diploma, MFD1, MFD2 or indeed our specialist Fellowship examinations, this is just the Live Online Event for you.

What? Whether you are at the beginning of your exam journey and have a subject that you find difficult to get your head around, or you are at a more advanced level and may have a difficult case scenario you want to discuss, we are here to help.

When? At your convenience. Just book a time slot that suits you.

How? Learn on your own or in a “study club”, with up to 3 friends. Submit your questions in advance. Our expert panel will be able to guide you live online in their respective fields over a 1 hr session. CPD-certified.

Cost? Prices start at €50 for 1 hr (when sharing with friends).

Spaces are limited. We recommend early booking using our upcoming tutorial calendar.

Book An Online Tutorial

Tutor SA

About me

Oral Medicine (BDS MFDS MBChB FDSRCS (Oral Med) GDL PgCert

Hello I'm Stephen,

I am currently a joint academic Consultant/Senior Lecturer in Oral Medicine and Acting Associate Director for Oral Surgery/Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology and previous Associate Director for the Foundations of Practice Group for the BDS course at Queens University Belfast. I qualified in Dentistry in 2000 (BDS Dundee) and undertook training posts in Scotland and Northern Ireland. I attained dual qualification in Medicine 2008 (MBChB Dundee). Following posts in hospital and dental practice I was clinical lead for a final year (5BDS) Dental Outreach Centre in Arbroath for the University of Dundee. I entered formal Specialist Training at Liverpool University Dental Hospital (2014) gaining ISFE and CCST in Oral Medicine in February 2018 (RCS Edin).  Outside Oral Medicine I have interests in Law and Ethics and teaching having completed both Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Education (PGCert) and Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) examinations. I sit on the Specialty Advisory Boards (SAB) for Oral Surgery/ Oral Medicine and Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons (MFDS) for the Royal Edinburgh College. I examine MFDS in the UK and international centres including Egypt and Malaysia. I have published articles, posters, and national talks on various areas of Oral Medicine.

Teaching & Tutoring Experience/Expertise

I have many years’ experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate dental and medical professionals. This includes one-one chairside, tutorial, lecture based and online delivery using a variety of mediums to provide a learner centred environment.

I feel I can help answer your questions in a coaching manner that will aid your development from whatever your background or chosen career destination. My aim to help make your clinical decisions adept in this complex field and more widely across the field of dentistry using fundamental principles. I welcome the opportunity to act as personal tutor helping fellow professionals in their quest to improve their knowledge and skills in this complex and potentially litigious interface between Medicine and Dentistry.

Tutor PC

About me

Endodontics BDentSc(TCD) MSD(Endodontics IU) FFDRCSI, FICD, FACD

Hi I’m Pat,

I have spent the last 40 years as a specialist endodontist.

I obtained my general dental qualification in 1981 at Trinity College Dublin.

I attended Indiana University School of Dentistry in the US and obtained a Certificate in Endodontics and a Master of Science in Dentistry Degree in endodontics in 1986.

I opened a specialist endodontic practice in 1986 in Dublin, Ireland, and have been a practicing clinician in endodontics since then.

I regularly lecture on endodontics in Ireland and abroad and have given many post-graduate hands-on courses over the past 35 plus years.

I am a specialist member of the American Association of Endodontists, a founding member of the Irish Endodontic Society and a past president of the Society.

I am a past president of the Irish Dental Association.

I am a Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and a past board member and vice-dean of the faculty.

I have examined at both the MFD2 and FFD(endo) examinations at the Faculty and have been involved in courses given by the Faculty in Ireland, Bahrain, Qatar and Sudan.

My Areas of Expertise

As a practicing endodontist my main focus is on the diagnosis and management of conditions of the dental pulp. 

Root canal treatment is technique sensitive and obtaining consistency is key to obtaining the best prognosis in those teeth that require treatment.  Overcoming difficulties in locating, negotiating and disinfecting root canals provide for the best outcomes and an endodontist gains experiencing in dealing with such complex issues. 

My goal is to share information that I have gained over the years to identify these issues, overcome them and improve the success rate of treatment.

Tutor JM

About me

Oral Surgery (BSC(Hons) BDS PhD FDSRCS FDSRCS(Oral Surgery) FFDRCSI) - Queens University, Belfast and Leeds University

Hi I'm John,

I have been educated at two Russell Group Universities and I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of both England and Ireland. I am an expert in my field of Oral Surgery.

I have published widely in my areas of expertise.

I have 35 years of post-graduate clinical experience in dentistry.

I am a Professor in Oral Surgery and a Past Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

I have wealth of lived professional experience and perspective which I hope to share with you as your personal tutor.

Teaching & Tutoring Experience

I think I am an excellent and enthusiastic communicator.

I am sure I can help you navigate the increasingly complex clinical world that you will practice in, by helping you to develop your critical thinking ,deductive reasoning and beyond to inductive reasoning that will help you to deliver safe, effective and efficient dental care to your patients and will certainly help to keep you less anxious, happier and more interested and enthused in your job.

I am able to do this because of my lived experience.

In my role as Lecturer (1993-2000) and Senior Lecturer/Consultant at QUB (2000-2012) I have been involved in leading on course delivery and development including first hand extensive experience of lecturing , small group teaching, one-to one chairside teaching and on-line teaching.

As a full -time NHS consultant in oral Surgery (2012-to date) I have continued to teach at chairside from year 3-5 as well as Dental Core Trainees and specialist trainees.

My historic and ongoing services to QUB have been recognised by the award of an Honorary Professorship by QUB in 2021.

In my time I have presented countless tutorials, lectures and hands-on courses in Oral surgery and related subjects.

Whether you are entering postgraduate practice as a "safe beginner" or moving beyond to specialism and its associated examinations, I know I can help you in your journey.

MGDS Session 1
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Chitta Chowdhury

Candidate 1


PhD (Japan), FFD RCS (Ireland), MPH ( Univ of Manchester, UK), MFD RCPS Glasgow, BDS (Dhaka Univ), DAND (Dhaka Univ)


Professor Chowdhury is the academic dean and dissertation module director at the City of London Dental School, University of Bolton UK. He is trained in oral-maxillofacial surgery from Japan and NHS. He is an MFD-RCS examiner, Dental Executive Board member, Dental Membership and Engagement Board (DMEB), and Dental Regional Advisor – East of England of the RCPS-Glasgow. He published impact research, wrote six books, organized international conferences, and established new departments including courses. He supervises PhD students. He is an editor-in-chief of the British Journal of Translational Global Health. He is a visiting professor at DeMontfort University and Osaka Dental University.

Patrick Cleary

Candidate 2


BDentSc, MSD (Endo Indiana U.), FFD RCSI, FICD, FACD


Graduated from Trinity College Dublin 1981 with BDentSc.
MSD in Endodontics from Indiana University 1986.
Commenced practice limited to endodontics in 1986 and currently practices in Booterstown, Co. Dublin.
Past president of the Irish Dental Association and the Irish Endodontic Society, a specialist member of the American Association of Endodontists and Certified member of the European Society of Endodontology.
Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI and of the ICD and ACD.
Examiner on the MFD and FFD.
Has presented at National and International meetings.
Served on the Board and is a past vice-Dean of the Faculty.

Mary Collins

Candidate 3


B Dent Sc, FFD (Oral Surg with Oral Med) RCSI, FFD (Oral Surg) RCSI, Board Certified American Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.


Dr Mary Collins graduated from Dublin Dental University hospital. She held several surgical posts in various Oral and Maxillofacial surgery units in England up to Registrar level. She completed Oral and Maxillofacial surgery training In Mass General Hospital, Children’s Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital Boston, USA. She is currently a Clinical Lecturer /Oral Surgery Specialist in Dept Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at Dublin University Dental Hospital.

Johanna Glennon

Candidate 4


BDentSc., MSc. (Dist.), FFD RCSI (ad eundum)


Dr. Johanna Glennon graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1984. General dental practitioner in the National Health Service, UK for 7 years. Part-time clinical assistant post at the Oral Surgery Department, Pilgrim Hospital, Boston, Lincolnshire for some of that time. In 1994 she received her Masters in Endodontics, with distinction, from University of London. She returned to Ireland and works in private practice limited to Endodontics. She is a part-time Assistant Professor in Restorative Dentistry at Dublin Dental and University Hospital. In 2018 she was awarded her FFD (ad eundum) by the RCSI. She has served as a Board member of the Faculty of Dentistry for the past three years.

Rory Maguire

Candidate 5


BDS NUI, M.Phil. (Biomat. Sci.) U.Bham., MFD RCSI, M.Dent. Ch. (Perio.) U.Dubl., FFD RCSI (Perio.), Ph. D U.Dubl.


Dr. Rory Maguire graduated from Dentistry at the National University of Ireland in 2001. He worked as House officer in Restorative Dentistry and in 2003 completed his Membership of the Faculty of Dentistry of the RCSI. In 2007 Dr. Maguire graduated from the Masters in Dental Surgery program of Trinity College Dublin with 1st Class Honours and completed the Fellowship in Dental Surgery (Periodontics) of the RCSI. Dr Maguire is Director for Ireland of the Academy of Computer Aided Implantology. Dr. Maguire holds a Ph.D in Oral Biosciences and an M.Phil. in Biomaterials Science. Dr. Maguire is in private practice in Dublin.

John Marley

Candidate 6




John is a Consultant in Oral Surgery at QUB, School of Dentistry. He was Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. Amongst other developments as Dean/Immediate past Dean, John was responsible for:
• Membership review and creation of Affiliate membership
• A funded Masters programme
• Developing/delivering hands-on/hybrid courses.
• Working in a team role, to deliver on-line MFD2 exams
• Securing professional recording/production of on- line lectures & enabling an extensive on-line learning library.
He was NI Training Programme Director for Oral Surgery, Chair of the UK Tricollegiate Oral Surgery Speciality Examination Board and a Board member of the NI Medical & Dental Training Agency.

Albert Yeung

Candidate 7


BDS, MMedSci, MPHe, MPhil, MFDS RCPS, DDPH RCS, FFD (DPH) RCSI, FDS (DPH) RCPS, FFPH, FHEA, ACIEA, FCGDent                               


Dr Albert Yeung graduated from Glasgow in 1989. He completed his specialty training in dental public health at Manchester and was awarded a Fellowship from RCSI in 2006. He has a diverse background of working experience in dentistry in the UK, including general dental practice, hospitals, community dental service and teaching in dental schools.
Dr Yeung is Consultant in Dental Public Health at NHS Lanarkshire in Scotland. He is an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer of the University of Glasgow. He is co-editor of the Oxford Dictionary of Dentistry (Second Edition). He is a Professional Adviser to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.




Live Online Tutorials