
FFD Examination

The Specialist Fellowship Diploma of the Faculty of Dentistry (FFD RCSI) is one of the most prestigious professional qualifications awarded to dentists. Obtaining the qualification demonstrates ones commitment to the profession of dentistry and offers enhanced career development and opportunities. The Specialist FFD RCSI qualification will be granted to those who are eligible to sit for and pass the examination.



Candidates interested in sitting the FFD Specialty Examinations must submit their documentation for assessment, during a specified period of time, via the Faculty of Dentistry's assessment portal. Updates regarding the application window for candidates seeking approval to sit the FFD Examinations will be posted below. Candidates holding an existing approval letter do not require a new approval letter. Details of when to formally register for the FFD Examinations will be published on this page.


May 2025: Bahrain (All Specialties)

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We wish to advise candidates that the Faculty is planning to deliver the FFD OSOM and OM Part B, along with all other FFD specialty exams at RCSI Bahrain, from May 1st - 3rd, 2025.
1) First time applications for eligibility to sit the FFD RCSI exam will open from Dec. 13th to Jan. 10th, 2025. Once you are sure that you meet the eligibility criteria, please begin your application.

2) Pre-approved candidates are invited to register for the Bahrain exam via the following website: postgradexams.rcsi.ie between Jan. 24th - Feb 7th, 2025.

New Online Exam ('Part A' OSOM and OM)

The Faculty recently announced a new online version of the Part A (General Principles of Medicine & Surgery) paper for the FFD OSOM and OM. Applications for eligibility to sit the January 9th, 2025 online diet of the Part A papers have now closed. The online Part A papers will normally take place twice per calendar year. Updates regarding future online examination dates will be published on this page.

A video guide to explain the revised format of the FFD OSOM and OM examinations can be viewed below.




The format of the FFD exams may be subject to change at short notice and candidates are advised to familiarise themselves with the up to date regulations at the time of their examination.


All information pertaining to the FFD RCSI examination is provided below, however if you have any questions, please visit our FAQs section below.

Once you are sure that you meet the eligibility criteria, please begin your application.



Below you will find answers to our most frequently asked questions...

Select from the relevant FAQs below to expand.

Candidates who want to sit FFD (OSOM) or FFD (Oral Medicine) must sit and pass the FFD Part A (General Principles of Medicine & Surgery) Online Examination first (unless already exempt from Part A).

The Part A (General Principles of Medicine & Surgery) examination will now be held online. This Part A online exam will consist of two 90 minute long papers (14 Structured Critical Reasoning / Clinical Case Assessments and 10 Short Answer Questions).

You will need to apply for and pass the Part A section before you can sit the FFD Part B OSOM and Oral Medicine examinations.


A video guide to explain the revised format of the FFD OSOM and OM examinations can be viewed below.


The online FFD (OSOM) and FFD (Oral Medicine) Part A papers will normally take place twice per calendar year.

Examination dates will be published on this page.

Candidates interested in sitting the FFD Part A online examination must submit their documentation for assessment, during a specified period of time, via the Faculty of Dentistry FFD assessment Portal which can be accessed here.

Candidates who hold an existing approval letter to sit the FFD OSOM or FFD OM examination do not require an up-to-date approval letter.

To formally apply for the January 2025 Part A online examination, please register and upload your existing approval letter via the following website: postgradexams.rcsi.ie between the following dates: December 3rd – 11th 2024.

The online exam is taken on a computer using a third party application. Instead of writing answers using pen and paper, everything is done electronically on a computer, so depending on the questions types used, you might be selecting the answer by clicking your mouse or using your keyboard to enter data.

To access the online FFD Part A examination, candidates will require the following technology:

  • Internet connection (ideally hardwired ethernet, or alternatively Wi-Fi with continuous internet speed of a minimum of 2MBps, but preferably higher)
  • Laptop / computer with at least 4GB of RAM (no chrome books, tablets or surface pro),
  • A working webcam, microphone and speakers
  • Windows 7+ or Mac 10.10+
  • Intel Core i3 (or equivalent)
  • Mobile phone with a rear facing camera

The examination fee for the FFD Part A is €1,000 (Euros).

The standard for FFD OSOM Part A and Part B is the same, as it is two parts of the same exam. The exam is set at a level whereby the candidate has completed 2 years General Professional Training and possession of MFD, MJDF or MFDS, followed by three years of Specialist Training in Oral Surgery with exposure to Oral Medicine or Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with exposure to Oral Medicine. The exam is set at an exit level Specialist Exam.

Candidates who hold a Medical Degree are exempt from Part A.

Those who pass the Part A examination will be eligible to apply for the next available sitting of the Part B paper.

Examination dates will be published on this page.

From January 2025:

Candidates are allowed up to four attempts at the FFD Part A. Attempts must be taken within 4 years of entering FFD Part A.

Candidates are allowed up to four attempts at the FFD Part B. Attempts must be taken within 3 years of passing FFD Part A.

An attempt is defined as an occasion where a candidate commences, but not necessarily completes the FFD Part A or Part B.

Candidates who have a Part A exemption under the previous regulations can carry this exemption forward to the new exam format.

The Part B (OSOM) examination format will be held face-to-face and will consist of two 30 minute long simulated clinical examinations (clinical scenarios), along with two 30 minute long Viva Voce examinations.

There will also be a written component held face-to-face consisting of a 90 minute long paper (14 Structured Critical Reasoning Questions). Answers are expected to be brief.

The Part B (OM) examination format remains unchanged.

Details regarding the format of the individual FFD specialties can be found within the FFD regulations.


A video guide to explain the revised format of the FFD OSOM and OM examinations can be viewed below.


The standard for FFD OSOM Part A and Part B is the same, as it is two parts of the same exam. The exam is set at a level whereby the candidate has completed 2 years General Professional Training and possession of MFD or MJDF or MFDS, followed by three years of Specialist Training in Oral Surgery with exposure to Oral Medicine or Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with exposure to Oral Medicine. The exam is set at an exit level Specialist Exam.

The examination fee for FFD Part B (OSOM) and (Oral Medicine) is €1,000.

Select from the relevant FAQs below to expand.

  • BDS/B Dent Sc. or equivalent basic undergraduate Dental Degree
  • Evidence of satisfactory completion of three years full-time (or part-time equivalent not normally exceeding six years) training. Candidates are required to submit certified, documented evidence of their training/relevant hospital positions.

Evidence of satisfactory completion of three years full-time training must be submitted to the Faculty. OSOM & ORD training can be completed in different institutions but evidence of this must be provided at the time of application. For all other specialities training must be completed in the same institution.

Candidates interested in sitting the FFD RCSI examinations must submit their documentation for assessment, during a specified period of time, via the Faculty of Dentistry FFD assessment Portal which can be accessed here.

The assessment portal will normally open twice a year for a limited period of time. Details of the next assessment window will be published on this page.

The Faculty of Dentistry will be in contact with you shortly after you submit your documents for assessment. If you are deemed eligible to sit the FFD exam, you will be sent an approval letter which you will need in order to officially apply for the exam and pay your exam fee. You will officially apply for the exam and pay your exam fee through the RCSI postgrad admin system and further details regarding this will be included within your approval letter.

Candidates who hold an existing approval letter to sit the FFD examination do not require an up-to-date approval letter.

To formally apply, please register and upload your existing approval letter via the following website: postgradexams.rcsi.ie

The dates to complete your application will be published on this page.

The FFD examinations are normally conducted twice per calendar year.

Examination dates will be published on this page.

Details regarding the format of the individual FFD specialties can be found within the FFD regulations.

Only the Part A (General Principles of Medicine & Surgery) paper for the FFD OSOM and OM examination is currently available to sit online.

All other FFD specialties and 'Part B' OSOM and OM paper are delivered face-to-face.

Applicants who withdraw from an examination before the examination closing date will have the application fee refunded, less a 20% administrative charge. Applicants who withdraw after the exam closing date, or who fail to attend, will forfeit the fee paid in full. If work commitments prevent your attendance, the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI is not responsible for the refund of any part of the application fee. Transfers are not normally permitted.

There may be occasions when your attendance is affected by circumstances beyond your normal control. In this instance an application for exceptional circumstances must be submitted as detailed in the Professional Exams – Exceptional Circumstances Policy. Applications of this nature must be made within 14 days of the date of the examination.

Whether you need a visa to enter Ireland depends on what country you're from. Find out what you need to enter Ireland based on your nationality on the Irish Immigration website.

In order to become a Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI you must have successfully completed a Fellowship Examination of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI. The Fellowship is not normally awarded by affiliation.

Candidates who hold a medical degree are exempt from Part A. Please note that only the FFD OSOM and FFD OM have been divided into Part A and Part B.

No refund of fees or transfer of exam will be allowed once a candidate sits their written papers. Refund/Transfer of fees will only be allowed in advance of the written papers and only in the case that a candidate cannot travel due to very special circumstances.

The Specialist Fellowship Diploma of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI is registrable in the Register of Dentists for Ireland as an additional qualification provided that the name of the holder already appears in that Register. Details regarding the registration of the diploma may be obtained from the Registrar, Irish Dental Council, 57 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. The Diploma does not entitle the holder to admission to the Register of Dental Specialists in Ireland.

MGDS Session 1
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Once you have watched this video in full, please click here to provide your feedback and receive your CPD certificate.

Chitta Chowdhury

Candidate 1


PhD (Japan), FFD RCS (Ireland), MPH ( Univ of Manchester, UK), MFD RCPS Glasgow, BDS (Dhaka Univ), DAND (Dhaka Univ)


Professor Chowdhury is the academic dean and dissertation module director at the City of London Dental School, University of Bolton UK. He is trained in oral-maxillofacial surgery from Japan and NHS. He is an MFD-RCS examiner, Dental Executive Board member, Dental Membership and Engagement Board (DMEB), and Dental Regional Advisor – East of England of the RCPS-Glasgow. He published impact research, wrote six books, organized international conferences, and established new departments including courses. He supervises PhD students. He is an editor-in-chief of the British Journal of Translational Global Health. He is a visiting professor at DeMontfort University and Osaka Dental University.

Patrick Cleary

Candidate 2


BDentSc, MSD (Endo Indiana U.), FFD RCSI, FICD, FACD


Graduated from Trinity College Dublin 1981 with BDentSc.
MSD in Endodontics from Indiana University 1986.
Commenced practice limited to endodontics in 1986 and currently practices in Booterstown, Co. Dublin.
Past president of the Irish Dental Association and the Irish Endodontic Society, a specialist member of the American Association of Endodontists and Certified member of the European Society of Endodontology.
Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI and of the ICD and ACD.
Examiner on the MFD and FFD.
Has presented at National and International meetings.
Served on the Board and is a past vice-Dean of the Faculty.

Mary Collins

Candidate 3


B Dent Sc, FFD (Oral Surg with Oral Med) RCSI, FFD (Oral Surg) RCSI, Board Certified American Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.


Dr Mary Collins graduated from Dublin Dental University hospital. She held several surgical posts in various Oral and Maxillofacial surgery units in England up to Registrar level. She completed Oral and Maxillofacial surgery training In Mass General Hospital, Children’s Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital Boston, USA. She is currently a Clinical Lecturer /Oral Surgery Specialist in Dept Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at Dublin University Dental Hospital.

Johanna Glennon

Candidate 4


BDentSc., MSc. (Dist.), FFD RCSI (ad eundum)


Dr. Johanna Glennon graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1984. General dental practitioner in the National Health Service, UK for 7 years. Part-time clinical assistant post at the Oral Surgery Department, Pilgrim Hospital, Boston, Lincolnshire for some of that time. In 1994 she received her Masters in Endodontics, with distinction, from University of London. She returned to Ireland and works in private practice limited to Endodontics. She is a part-time Assistant Professor in Restorative Dentistry at Dublin Dental and University Hospital. In 2018 she was awarded her FFD (ad eundum) by the RCSI. She has served as a Board member of the Faculty of Dentistry for the past three years.

Rory Maguire

Candidate 5


BDS NUI, M.Phil. (Biomat. Sci.) U.Bham., MFD RCSI, M.Dent. Ch. (Perio.) U.Dubl., FFD RCSI (Perio.), Ph. D U.Dubl.


Dr. Rory Maguire graduated from Dentistry at the National University of Ireland in 2001. He worked as House officer in Restorative Dentistry and in 2003 completed his Membership of the Faculty of Dentistry of the RCSI. In 2007 Dr. Maguire graduated from the Masters in Dental Surgery program of Trinity College Dublin with 1st Class Honours and completed the Fellowship in Dental Surgery (Periodontics) of the RCSI. Dr Maguire is Director for Ireland of the Academy of Computer Aided Implantology. Dr. Maguire holds a Ph.D in Oral Biosciences and an M.Phil. in Biomaterials Science. Dr. Maguire is in private practice in Dublin.

John Marley

Candidate 6




John is a Consultant in Oral Surgery at QUB, School of Dentistry. He was Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. Amongst other developments as Dean/Immediate past Dean, John was responsible for:
• Membership review and creation of Affiliate membership
• A funded Masters programme
• Developing/delivering hands-on/hybrid courses.
• Working in a team role, to deliver on-line MFD2 exams
• Securing professional recording/production of on- line lectures & enabling an extensive on-line learning library.
He was NI Training Programme Director for Oral Surgery, Chair of the UK Tricollegiate Oral Surgery Speciality Examination Board and a Board member of the NI Medical & Dental Training Agency.

Albert Yeung

Candidate 7


BDS, MMedSci, MPHe, MPhil, MFDS RCPS, DDPH RCS, FFD (DPH) RCSI, FDS (DPH) RCPS, FFPH, FHEA, ACIEA, FCGDent                               


Dr Albert Yeung graduated from Glasgow in 1989. He completed his specialty training in dental public health at Manchester and was awarded a Fellowship from RCSI in 2006. He has a diverse background of working experience in dentistry in the UK, including general dental practice, hospitals, community dental service and teaching in dental schools.
Dr Yeung is Consultant in Dental Public Health at NHS Lanarkshire in Scotland. He is an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer of the University of Glasgow. He is co-editor of the Oxford Dictionary of Dentistry (Second Edition). He is a Professional Adviser to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.