Diploma Of Primary Care Dentistry Examination
(Available to Sit Online Worldwide)
The Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry (Dip PCD RCSI) is an international exam open to all dentists, in all parts of the world and can be taken at any time following graduation. The examination consists of an MCQ and a Single Best Answer section, and takes the form of an online written paper. There is strong emphasis on clinical practice within both components of this examination.
Candidates who are successful in the examination are awarded the Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry RCSI qualification and may enter directly into the RCSI MFD Part 2 examination.
Historically offered as a face to face examination, the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI recently announced the development of an online format of the Dip PCD RCSI examination.
We have made some slight changes to the format of the Dip PCD RCSI examination to make it more straightforward to complete online. Instead of two papers, there is now only one paper, which is of 3 hours duration. The online format includes:
- 375 True/ False MCQs (keeping the same format from the written version, there are 75 stems with 5 parts each which are either true or false)
- 33 Single Best Answer questions (where a statement is presented and candidates select what they feel is the “best” or most appropriate answer)
To access the online Dip PCD RCSI examination, candidates require the following technology:
- Internet connection (ideally a hardwired ethernet connection, or alternatively Wi-Fi that has a high Mpbs speed)
- Desktop or laptop computer that has a minimum of 4Gb RAM and has a webcam
- Windows 7+ or Mac 10.8+
€650 Euros
Please browse through the links to find out more about the Dip PCD RCSI examination.
Dip PCD Frequently Asked Questions
Completing the Diploma allows you to gain another set of qualifications from RCSI – Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry (RCSI), which MFD Part 1 does not offer. Should you be successful in the Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry, you can enter the RCSI MFD Part 2 examination.
The Diploma is a 3 hour assessment, where you will enter your answers online. The format consists of 375 True/ False MCQs (there are 75 stems with 5 parts each which are either true or false). Along with 33 Single Best Answer questions (where a statement is presented and candidates select what they feel is the “best” or most appropriate answer).
Candidates must be in possession of an undergraduate dental qualification recognized by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. The examination may be taken at any time following graduation from Dental School.
Yes, the exam is available to all eligible candidates worldwide, once you meet our minimum software/technology requirements. The online Diploma exam is a great opportunity to allow candidates to complete the exam from the comfort of one’s own home particularly in the current Covid-19 climate. This is a carefully planned new format, which the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI hopes will continue to allow candidates to be assessed and progress with their careers.
The MFD Part 1 is structured to be 50/50 basic sciences and clinical dentistry. In the Diploma exam, the emphasis on clinical dentistry accounts for approximately 80% of the examination. Both are three hour exams are both have the same exam format of 75 MCQs and 33 SBAs.
As both exams are equivalent, that will be each candidates individual choice. However, the Diploma exam allows you to gain another set of qualifications from RCSI – Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry (RCSI), which MFD Part 1 does not offer. Passing either the Diploma or MFD Part 1 will allow you to sit MFD Part 2 (candidates should normally be a minimum of 12 months graduated from Dental School when presenting for MFD Part 2).
The online exam is taken on a computer using a third party application. Instead of writing answers using pen and paper, or in the case of multiple choice - using bubble sheets, everything is done electronically on a computer, so depending on the questions types used, you might be selecting the answer by clicking your mouse or using your keyboard to enter data.
What software/technology requirements do I need to sit the online Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry?
To access the online Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry candidates will require the following technology:
• Internet connection (ideally a hardwired ethernet connection, or alternatively Wi-Fi that has a high Mpbs speed)
• Desktop or laptop computer that has 4Gb RAM and has a webcam
• Windows 7+ or Mac 10.8+
The examination fee is €650 (Euros)
You can view and register for our online exams here. Our online exams are very popular and to maintain the quality, we only have a limited capacity for each of the online exams that we run.
No exemptions are offered from any part of the examination.
There is no limit on the number of attempts for this examination. However, examiners may, at their discretion, defer for two years, a candidate whose performance is such that re-examining within such a time is not considered to be in his/her best interest.
We would advise candidates to ideally have a hardwired ethernet connection, or alternatively Wi-Fi that has a high Mpbs speed. You can check your Mpbs speed here - https://www.speedtest.net/
If you would like further information about this examination, please enter your details below and we will contact you directly: